e manufacture MS Pipes in a various sizes, grades and specifications as per various national and international specifications (IS, BS API, ASTM, DIN). We has been constantly executing need based demanding orders for MS Pipes to meet the requirement of sectors like, Agriculture,
Mumbai, India, UK, Dubai, Melbourne, Sydney, Abu Dhabi, Sarjah, Jebel Ali,
Fujairah, Doha, Muscat, Bangkok, Istanbul, Amman, Jerusalem, Tehran, Jeddah,
Riyadh, Dammam, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Seoul, Cairo, Alexandria, Tokyo,
Shanghai, Jakarata, Shanghai, Cape Town, Europe | USA | UAE, Hamburg, Moscow,
Johannesburg, Argentina | Australia | Bahrain | Belgium| Brazil | Brunei |
Bulgaria | Canada | Africa | Chile | China | Colombia | Denmark| Egypt | Europe
| France | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Hong Kong | Indonesia | Iran | Ireland
| Israel | Italy | Japan | New Jersey | Jordan | Kuwait| Lithuania | Luxembourg
| Malaysia | Mauritius | Mexico | Myanmar | | Netherlands | New Zealand | Korea
| Norway | Oman | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Romania| Russia |
Saudi Arabia | Singapore | South Africa | Georgia | Korea | Spain | Sri Lanka |
Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand |Turkey| Ukraine | United States|
Venezuela | Vietnam | Yemen
Oil and Gas, Public Health, Housing, Irrigation, Engineering etc.