Jayani Technologies LLP - | E-Showroom
Jayani Technologies LLP - | E-Showroom
OSFP 400G SR8 Breakout DAC Direct Attach Cable is a twinax cable solution with two copper-based conductors for transmitting electrical signals at short distances. The OSFP Breakout DAC Direct Attach Cable transmit the signals faster (i.e. with a lesser latency) and require considerably less current, compared to electrical signals sent via a twisted pair cable. JT-OSFP-SFP56-400G-DAC Direct Attach Breakout Cable (DAC) as passive 400 Gigabit to 8x 50 Gigabit Twinax copper type with OSFP to 8x SFP56 connector, for linking hardware in racks and across adjacent racks.