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We at Krystal Surface Solution ( Krystal ) ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company Manufacturer & exporter of STAR chemicals for fumeless pickling and passivation of stainless steel,Pickling Paste STAR Gel,Pickling Gel STAR Gel,Pickling Pasivation Paste Gel STAR Gel, STAR chemicals are tested & approved by I. I. T. -Bombay under ASTM A 380 standards. STAR range includes, 1) STAR Gel Pickling Gel Pickling paste form 2) STAR Spray Pickling Spray Semi gel form 3) STAR Dip Pickling liquid form 4) STAR pass 1 Passivation liquid form for general industrial passivation 5) STAR pass 2biodegadable chelant non toxic passivation cleaner for stainless steel equipments & pipes for pharmaceutical, food, dairy, beverage, cosmetics etc. Industries STAR chemicals are approved by third party inspection agencies. STAR also manufactures various other products useful for welding and fabrication related industries. 1) Spatter Remover 511 non toxic, non flammble, silicone free anti spatter & flux-to be used any time before welding on any metal surface to avoid spatters sticking on surface and thereby avoiding totally labourius, time consuming chipping & grinding process. Spatter Remover 511 is tested & passes load, bend, radiographic etc. tests, showing improvement in weldjoint quality with it's usage. 2) E Polish 250 Electropolishing chemicals for stainless steel and other metals to get mirror bright & very smooth surface finishing without doing buffing process. 3) Rust Converter 177 rust converter for steel which converts rust itself into protective coating and acts as a base coat on paint, gives long life to paint applied afterwards. 4) STAR Nozzle Gel -  helps to prevent spatter buil is suitable to use on semi-automatice and automatice and MIG gun nozzle and other welding equipments. It is well-suited for fixures and jigs and prolongs life of nozzle tip by preventing spatter build-up on tip. 5) SPATTER NIXE is an innovative Product that has transformed the welding methods. This innovative product is silicone free ,non-flammable, non-toxic ,and non Polluting – welding Anti Spatter Liquid.And many more products. . . . .

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